CategoriesReal Estate

How to Avoid Mistakes When Selling a Home

The real estate market can make it easy or hard to sell a house. Many factors can contribute to that, like government incentives in the industry, the number of home buyers increasing or decreasing, and inventory available on the market. Additionally, how the economy is and how the purchasing power of the population is are other huge components in this equation. However, even though the market may be on your side, some people can not sell their house.

 We’re going to find out which mistakes you’re making that are preventing you from selling your home. Don’t worry, this is more common than you think among sellers and agents. 

1. Poor images 

We’re in the digital era! So you have to put high-quality pictures of your house as a priority. If you don’t know how to take them, hire a professional photographer. It is nice to have some vídeos as well, and this way, it will be more fun for potential home buyers. For sure, this will make a huge difference in your sale. 

The pictures should be clear, not dark. They should show the best angles of the house, and remember people like to see beautiful places. This connects us to another point — stage the house! You don’t want to take pictures of a dirty kitchen, a messy playroom, or pets on the couch. It’s important to know that people are different, but everybody loves a tidy place. 

2. Withholding information 

Sellers generally just write the address, value, and say that it is open for visits, but it’s not going to sell your house. What you should do is describe all parts of the house as much as possible  — how many rooms, bathrooms, if it has a backyard, front yard, pool, how the kitchen is, etc. It’s crucial to tell potential buyers everything about the house to make them curious about the property. 

Here is some information you could write about: What makes the house unique? What was your motivation when you bought the house? What is the architectural style? Mention every detail that makes the house amazing.  

3. Hire a Broker/Agent 

We all know sometimes we want to do it all by ourselves, but in some situations, hiring a professional is the best thing we can do when selling a house. An agent has the experience and the time to sell your house properly, which will make both the seller and buyer happy. The commissions that these agents get are worth it for you to get excellent service. 

4. Restricting Access to the Property

If you want to sell the house, let people feel free to go there whenever they have time. It’s a big mistake to restrict hours, and do not forbid people from walking in some areas in the house, which can be perceived as rude or creepy. 

5. Not Advertising 

These days, everybody should know the power of advertising. If you’re putting your house out on the market, this is a step you must take if you want to succeed. Some of the options you can use for that are putting your house on various websites, such as classified ads, real estate, and social media.

6. Not Making Virtual Tours

This might not look so interesting at first, but since the COVID pandemic, virtual tours are more common than ever. People are first seeing homes online, and if they’re really interested, they will schedule a time to see the house. Making a nice video is fundamental to get more attention and offers from potential buyers. 

Knowing about all these mistakes will make it is easier to avoid them. Now you can have a successful open house!