
Bringing Freshness to Your Home

Since the pandemic has changed the dynamics of the world, and has kept us more at home and even working from home, updating our house is refreshing to our mental health and an opportunity to make our family more comfortable.  

We’re now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, at least in the United States, where places are starting to reopen this summer. This is a perfect time to have people over, make barbecue, host small gatherings, and having our homes prepared for all these pleasant moments is a very smart decision. 

Keep it organized 

Separate spaces for activities when you are at home most of the time is very important. Our tip here is to have space to work and leave this place only for this, your mind will understand that you have a schedule and you won’t feel overwhelmed.


Second, you should have designated spaces for the other activities as well, like eating just in the kitchen, leaving the living room to hang out, or watch tv. This way, the family will associate relaxation with this area, and bedrooms are where we sleep, read some books, and just rest. 

Third, keeping the house clean and neat will always maintain a positive mood and help you create a calm environment. Mess makes everybody stressed, so organizing the spaces will give you the sensation of relief.  



One of the easiest ways to change the vibe of your home without spending a lot is by painting some walls. Renewing the color of your house, for sure, will give you that new sensation, but if you’re not committed to painting walls, you can add color in decoration. Adding some colorful pillows or rugs, changing the curtains, or adding some artwork will bring an aesthetic touch to your home.  


How you can see in this picture, the colors can be discreet and elegant. 

Add plants 

Bringing the outside world into your home, plants are going to give life to your home and oxygen to the environment. More than that, taking care of plants in your home will be a fun activity and will not require so much time. To get more information, read our article Plants to Decorate Your Rental Home


Disconnect from the digital 

More than ever, we are on our computers, phones, and online devices all the time. Therefore, having digital detox is essential to keep our minds on track and so that we aren’t compulsively checking what is happening online every free moment of the day. To do the digital detox, set times to not have your devices around, such as during dinner, or at bedtime, leave them outside the room. This will make a huge difference in your daily life! 


Invigorate with fragrances

Fragrances are really powerful tools to change the atmosphere, including your home. Adding some scents in specific spaces, you can create a mood for each part of your home. To do that, you can use liquid scents, candles, or incense. 

After all these tips, your home will be refreshed and invigorated, and all your family will enjoy the new environment and dynamic you’re setting. However, if all these updates are not enough, maybe it’s time to move on, to move out, or better, to move into a new place. To help start your search, read our article Creating a list to find a new house


After all these tips, your home will be refreshed and invigorated, and all your family will enjoy the new environment and dynamic you’re setting. However, if all these updates are not enough, maybe it’s time to move on, to move out, or better, to move into a new place. To help start your search, read our article Creating a list to find a new house.