CategoriesReal Estate

How to Find the Perfect Neighborhood

Looking for the best area to live is not an easy choice, and the process is almost as hard as finding the perfect house or apartment. Choosing the right neighborhood is important since you will live in this place for a long time, and if you are thinking about purchasing a house, this will be at the top of your list. Knowing about crime rates, amenities, excellent school districts, and access to playgrounds (if you have a family) is fundamental. 

Photo: Hummingbird Group – Condominium in Middlesex – New Jersey 

First, consider making a list of your or your family’s necessities. This way your search will be easier, you will visualize everything you need on paper, and to help you with your list, check out our post Creating a List to Find a New House

Online Search

Your first step is to search online about the community you want to live in. This includes Google street views, local parks, distance from the center of the city, your work, and last but definitely not least, look up the crime rate in the area. It’s paramount to know if you are moving to a safe place. 

A nice neighborhood generally has exceptional schools, so if you have kids, this is essential for the area you are moving to. Pay attention to this and you will find a friendly community to raise your children! 

Take a look around the neighborhood

Searching online about the community you want to live in is your first step, but after that, what you should do is to spend time in the area you want to move to. Look around, observe how the houses are, streets, traffic, cleanliness, sidewalks, if there are abandoned buildings, or people living in the streets. The secret here is to visit the neighborhood at different times of the day and the week, and you will see how it really is. 


Consider how far are you going to be from your work, your commute, how the traffic is in rush hour, or if you want to spend time in traffic. Second, take into account if there is easy access to public transportation — subways, bus stops, taxis, distance to the airport, etc. All that is important to keep in mind, this will be your daily life after all, so make sure that you have the best infrastructure, which will reduce stress in your everyday life. 


Do you like to have close access to grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, and the gym? If there are bars close to you, how noisy will it be on the weekends? Is the family-friendly neighborhood too quiet or does it have everything you need? Consider these questions, and it will save time in the future when running errands. 

If you are the kind of person who likes to be involved with the community, it is nice to see if the area has libraries, activity centers, churches, etc. 

Property Value

Whoever is purchasing a house, consider paying attention to the value of the house, how much it has increased in the last 5 years, and ask some real estate agent about projects for the future in the area. Regarding taxes, you need to know how much you will have to pay and how this will increase, so make sure that will be in your moving budget. 

Now you have everything you need to find the perfect location to move to. Make sure you have all the items in your list checked off! 



Steps to Take Before Renting a Home

Looking for a new apartment or house is very exciting, whether you’re a young adult looking for your first house or if you’re a seasoned renter. The feeling of going to a new place and into a new phase of life is quite thrilling. However, the rental process is not easy and sometimes not so enjoyable. When these times happen, you should be careful when choosing what you want and follow these steps to make the process go smoothly. 

1.Evaluate the neighborhood

Moving to a new neighborhood is very cool, especially if it is a place you’ve been looking for for a long time. However, in this step, it is very important to go to the area on different days of the week and times of the day. This way, you will see how the neighborhood is on many occasions. Do you feel safe? Is the place quiet? Does the neighborhood have everything you need? These are a few questions that you should consider before moving. 

2. Inspect the property 

This is one of the most important steps. You have to inspect the house you’re looking at if you want to avoid problems. Many houses look great at first, but our advice here is to hire a professional to inspect the place for you. However, just do it if you are deciding to buy the property, because it’s not necessary to inspect houses or apartments that you’re not interested in. If you want more information about hidden costs, check our post Plan for Hidden Costs When You Buy a Home” 

3.Reading the lease 

We all know that lease contracts are long and difficult to understand. However, this document contains all the information about the rental, so reading it all very carefully is important to avoid misunderstandings. Take your time reading it, and if you think it is necessary, ask the owner or a legal professional the questions you have. 

4.Renter’s insurance 

Insurance is not just for homeowners! If you’re renting a house or apartment, it is crucial to get insurance, because if something happens to your personal belongings, replacing them will be covered. Usually, this type of insurance is pretty affordable, and it is better to be safe than sorry. 

With all these steps, your decision-making process will be easier. We know renting is simpler than buying a house, but it’s still a big decision. Following these steps will ensure that you make the best decision for your new home.



Creating a List to Find a New House

Making a list of what you want and what you need is not always an easy process when it comes to finding a new home. Don’t fret, we are going to help you figure out what is really important to put on the list, with some questions you should ask yourself before starting the search for your new house. Having a complete list and questions answered will keep you on track when you finally start looking. 

 What type of building do you want?

First of all, you have to decide what type of home you want. What is your ideal home? A single-family house, an apartment building, or a duplex. It’s important to think about what better fits your budget, lifestyle, and for sure, assess the problems you might have in which type of house, like noisy neighbors.

Which neighborhood do you want to live in?  

Consider the type of home you want — lifestyle, your job, public transportation and traffic, stores and pharmacies nearby — all this is going to count when you move. If you prefer an area with restaurants and bars or a family-friendly area, or if you want a practical life, every aspect should be taken into account.  Make sure you’re happy with the place you’re choosing before moving. 

What kind of natural light do you prefer?  

Are you a morning person or a night person? Here, you should think about if you want the sun rising in your bedroom or if you prefer the sunset. Or do you want the morning sun in the kitchen and sunset in the front yard? Do you like giant windows or not? Remember, the sun can change our mood, so be aware of what kind of natural light you will have in your home. 

Do you want to have an outdoor space? 

Outdoor spaces come with an extra cost in many cities, but if you can afford that, what type do you want? Do you need a backyard for your whole family and pet or is just a paved space for plants enough? Evaluate what fits best for you and your family. 

Answering all these questions will make it easier to start your search for the perfect home. You will see that checking off the items on your list will clarify what you need and what matches your preferences, which will lead you to the home that you desire!


CategoriesReal Estate

Plan for Hidden Costs When You Buy a Home

It is very exciting when you finally find the perfect house, in the right neighborhood, that fits your budget, and is the way you’ve planned. However, paying attention to additional costs is crucial, the asking price is just the beginning. Many costs come after the asking price and can leave a lot of homebuyers in the dark, so let’s get started!

For most home buyers, the spending doesn’t stop with the down payment. You will have house insurance, closing costs like apparel and land fees, but these you will see coming. The problem is dealing with the ones you don’t know about. 

One of the major facts that add up costs is how the last homeowner left the house. Does the house come complete, or do you have to buy a new oven, refrigerator, or stove? These are some of the costs you may encounter as well, and you should consider negotiating the price of the house. 

Here is a very important tip: When you find your house, hire a home inspector (that will cost money, too!) that can check the house for you and see if there are any hidden problems. This professional can discover structural and plumbing issues, electrical wiring, weak foundations, and more that you can’t find yourself. 

Another expenditure that may be added to your home is your own comfort. Do you want to replace something in the house? Remodeling, changing some decoration objects, replacing some furniture, or bedding. All these are nice upgrades to make when you move in to a new place, which brings new energy, but you have to consider if it will fit in your budget. 

The solution for all these additional expenses is to plan ahead. Start your planning before the house hunting, organize your budget, and make a list of priorities that you need in the house so that you can be prepared for those expenses. Following our steps, you’ll succeed in your purchase!