CategoriesReal Estate

5 Common Issues When Renting a House and How to Solve Them

Renting a home or apartment can be a dream, as long as you know how to face the most common challenges that you will have. Of course, you don’t want your dream house to turn into a nightmare! Here are the most popular rental woes and how to deal with them. 

1. Noisy neighbors 

While most neighbors will exchange pleasantries, some of them can be a nightmare. One of the most common problems is the noise, which results in a stressful situation where you hear other people. What you can do in this situation is talk with the neighbor and expose the situation to reach an agreement, where you guys will set quiet times and hours that is fine to have noises around.  

Another issue that can happen, is when you have to decide what to do with a tree, for example, that is on both properties. The best solution is to call the landlord or the office you rented the place from and ask them to find the best solution. 

2. Pest infestation

A pest infestation can be all too common for renters, they can live in drains, kitchen cabinets, or in the beds. It’s terrible, we know, but the solution for that is to keep the house very clean, and you can also use apple vinegar to disinfect to give a final touch to the cleaning. 

However, if you still have these issues, it’s time to call a professional team to help you. Remember to contact the landlord or the rental office to make the payment arrangements for that. 

3. Deposit burden

Deposits can be a big pain for the renters, however, they serve to protect the landlord. If something is damaged while the renter lives on the property, that is paid with this money. If you want all the deposit back, our tip here is to take pictures when you first rent the property and write the conditions in the contract when you rent. This way, you can get all the money back from the deposit. 

4. Plumbing disasters

Plumbing issues are very common, some of them just happen, and we cannot avoid them. When this happens, what we can do is to immediately contact the landlord, and try to solve it as quickly as possible. 

5. Unsafe surroundings

If you’re not feeling safe in your new home, our tip here is to change the deadbolt right after moving. It will be an extra expense, but it will bring you peace when you lay your head on the pillow, and of course, lock the doors and windows before going to bed. 


Knowing what to do in these most common situations that tenants find themselves in from time to time, it is real relief. We may not think about these solutions when we’re inside the problem, right? Enjoy these tips, and if you still have some questions about what to do, ask a lawyer for some professional advice. 



5 Topics to Consider When You Are in a Rental Listing

Whether you are considering renting an apartment, a single-family house, or townhome, or maybe you want to live in the city or in the suburbs, keep in mind that you are going to spend a long time searching online and driving around to see what is best for you. 

Having in mind, and on paper, everything you want will avoid many headaches in your rental process. So, let’s see what’s important to know! 

1. Attention to details 

Decide what you need — how many bedrooms, bathrooms, a big kitchen or you’re ok if it’s a small one. Being very clear about what your necessities are you can avoid the listings that are not targeting your needs. 

Another point here is to know where you want to live and make sure the neighborhood is safe. Someone that is selling a home will tell you it is safe, so our tip here is to make your own search, visit the area at different times, and talk to people to know more about the community. 

2. Amenities 

Every renter has their must-have amenities beyond the basics, like heating and kitchen appliances. The most popular ones people look for are air conditioners, in-unit laundry, big closets, ample storage, and private outside spaces. 

In addition, nice amenities to have are recent renovations, hardwood floor, renovated bathroom, upgraded kitchen, and lots of windows.  You can have more than that, and shared spaces should be included in the listing too, like a pool, fitness center, rooftop deck, rooms for hanging out, etc. 

3. Potentially problematic policies 

What is a dealbreaker for you? The listing should disclose any potential dealbreakers for you. For example, ask about rules about pets, the maximum number of people that can live in the property, noise, smoking policies, parking, and have all of this clear.

Another thing that is very important about the maintenance of the property. The listing should have this information, if it is the landlord or a company that does the maintenance. Who can you call when something happens? So, keep this very transparent for you to avoid problems in the future. 

4. Clearly described costs

It is essential to have all the costs very clear. Everything you need to pay has to be shown in the listing. If not, an affordable dream home can turn into an expensive nightmare. 

Here are some of the costs: What is the monthly rent? How much of a deposit is required, and is any of it refundable? Are there any one-time moving fees? Is there a pet fee or monthly charge? Does parking cost extra? Who pays for utilities? 

Pay attention to all the details to not be surprised by any hidden costs. 

5. Photos 

It might not look so attractive, but it will make a huge difference in your search to have high quality, current photos and from many angles of the property. They should be from the actual property not from a show unit, so make sure the landlord or the real estate agent it is showing where you are actually going to live. 

Once you find the listings that include all these, you’re ready to start. Make sure all your necessities are met, identify the dealbreakers, visit the properties to know if they’re really what you saw online, and enjoy your new home!

CategoriesReal Estate

5 Things to Know When You Buy a New Construction

Can you imagine living in a house constructed only for you? It is very exciting living in a place where you can literally choose all the details from day one. Any homebuyer with any budget can find a new home for sale. How can you know if a new house is for you? This is what we’re going over in this article today. Here are 5 topics you should take into account if you are buying a brand new home. 

1. Knowing where to look for these houses 

New constructions are not usually listed in real estate services. What happens is that the builders have their own people to sell the house to have more control over the selling process and cut costs. When you’re looking for this type of construction, you should ask your agent to look in certain places, like advertisements online, in newspapers, or billboards.

2. New homes are often sold before built

Generally, builders are going to try to sell as many houses as possible before they start to build. They get financing, map out the site, and start the sales process altogether. They have a model house that the buyers can visit and sell the properties based on the floor plans. You, as the buyer, can usually review some floor plans, fixtures, and finishes. The good part is that, depending on the builder, you can add your personal style in this phase of the construction. 

Be aware that the real estate market can change, so if a project in some area was sold for a price and now in the second or third phase is 10% more, that is super normal. It is just the market accepting the quality of the project. 

3. First-time homebuyers may get a discount

First-time buyers can get the best discounts, because the builders want to offer the project to other buyers saying they already have people interested under contract. This makes the properties desirable. This is the time to negotiate the price down and benefit from the project as well. However, if the sales don’t manifest or if you decide you don’t want the house before it is built, you may lose the down payment. 

4.No space for personal attachments 

Builders don’t have personal feelings for the projects. They are just doing business. On the other hand, when you buy a house from a seller, you may notice these sentiments. Some sellers have raised families in the houses and have put some sentimental value on the property. 

5. Negotiate upgrades

If the project is at the end of the sales cycle, you may not get a discount in the price, but you can try to negotiate upgrades in the house, like hardwood flooring instead of carpet, trimming, or high-end appliances. This is a very common negotiation between the buyers and builders. 

This is the information you need to know if a new construction home is for you. Always try to negotiate, and search for what is in your budget. 


CategoriesNews, Real Estate

What to Unpack First When You Move into Your New House

You are in your new home by now, what an exciting day! After the whole hunting process, filing the papers, your dream home is yours. However, you see yourself surrounded by piles of boxes, so the question now is, what do you unpack first? 

After that, so many questions come up: Where are the kitchen supplies? Where are the towels? Where is the dog’s food? We know that organizing a house can be exhausting, but today we are going to give tips on how to put away everything efficiently, and how to make this process as quick and smooth as possible. 

First things first

To start, it is essential that you prepare the house for the arrival of your stuff. 

Clean and prepare your house

It is way easier to clean up the shelves, vacuum, and mop when you don’t have furniture inside. However, if you don’t get to your new place early enough to do the cleaning, hiring a professional to do the job is always a good option. 

Inspect and organize your belongings 

Check all the delivered boxes and the inventory sheet to make sure everything arrived in your new home and nothing is missing. After that, place the boxes in each room that the items belong to so that it will be easier to find things in the house. 

Set up larger furniture and appliances

Setting up the major furniture, like the bed, dresser, dining table, etc., will make it easier to put all the small things in the right place. Have your interior design already planned so that you don’t need to move the heavy pieces after setting up. 

Tend to the necessities


The kitchen might take a while to finish due to the number of pieces it has. However, it is the first place you should start unpacking because of the cold food in the refrigerator and, of course, no one wants to be hungry during the organization. 


Another area that is fundamental is the bathroom. For sure, after a whole day of unpacking, you will want to wash away the weariness and the stress of moving, so having everything within reach is the best option. Therefore, you should unpack the toiletries, like soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoos, and conditioners. After that, put away all the towels and rags. 


A long day of moving needs good rest. You won’t be able to unpack the whole bedroom, but the bedsheets, pillow, and blankets are the most important now. Remember to get the curtains up, as well, so that you will keep your privacy and will not wake up with the sun in your face. The rest of the stuff can wait until the next day. 

Kids and pets 

Unpack what they are going to need for the day, for example, diapers, bath supplies, and clothes for the night. For the pets, have their bed, food, and medicine ready for when they need it. 

Keep in mind that you are going to be unpacking for a while. It may take a week or so, but now you know what is more important to organize when you first arrive at your new home. Just keep going until you have finished everything, and don’t freak out with the stress of moving, try to have fun, put on some music, and this can be fun as well!

CategoriesNews, Real Estate

Pros and Cons of Buying a House Near a School

Finding the perfect home is a challenge. Some homebuyers have their preferences when it comes to suburbs or cities, quiet neighborhoods, or busy one. Today, we are going over the pros and cons of purchasing a house close to a school. If you have kids at school or college-aged, this is for you! 



Many neighborhoods that have schools nearby have low-cost properties. This is because a lot of them are rented by students who can’t afford something expensive. This results in the value of the houses not being so high, so if you are looking for something more affordable, this could work for you. 

Playground Nearby

This is a huge advantage for parents that have young kids. You are not going to need to pack a car to go to a park, as it is walking distance to your home. Some of them have fences, which allow kids to stay safely by themselves, and they may even have basketball courts and other amenities.  

May Increase Property Value

Houses near a school — especially a good school — have increased value due to demand from parents that want to live closely. Many of them are willing to pay more for a property that is close to a prestigious school. Homebuyers might have to increase their budget by 10 – 20% to live in these places, so it is important for sellers to know this.

Kids can walk to school

The good news here is that parents who live close to their child’s school can avoid the pick-up/drop-off lines. Another good point is kids can exercise by walking to school, the parents will save money with bus passes, and they won’t need to wake up so early. 


Increased Traffic

During the hours for drop-off and pick-up, the traffic could be heavy in the area. Additionally, if the school is really big, it can change the quality of the air and increase pollution. There may be some parking inconveniences as well.

Noisy Neighborhood

A place near a school will have many kids playing together and will be very noisy. For those who like a quiet and peaceful area, this may not be for you. Usually, the sounds cease after school ends, but these places generally have many extra-curricular activities for the kids after school. 

May Be Harder to Sell

Some homebuyers don’t consider buying homes close to schools, even if they are good properties. Another point is that the value of the house can change depending on how good the school is, and a school can either increase or decrease the value of your property, depending on its reputation. 

These are the pros and cons of living near a school. Now you have the know-how to choose what fits best for you and your family! 


CategoriesReal Estate

Checklist for Homebuyers: What to look for when you are at an open house

Open houses are a very nice part of the house-hunting process, but it is important to focus on specific details when you go there. Usually, open houses are staged as a home decor event, which is the right thing to do when you want to sell a house. However, as a homebuyer, you should consider looking at some fundamental things, such as windows, storage spaces, electrical outlets, etc. 

Here is a checklist of what you should inspect when you are inside the home you’re considering buying.

Windows: Confirm that they are opening and closing well. Another tip is to see if the window is facing the right direction to let the sunlight in, and make sure they don’t open right in front of your future neighbors, because no one wants to be stalked, right?

Storage Space: We all know when we are looking for a house, one of our main concerns is to have enough space in the closets. Therefore, checking out storage spaces is a smart idea, to see if they have adequate space and if they’re placed in a convenient location. 

Electrical Outlets: When walking around the house, ensure it has plenty of electrical outlets in all rooms — appliances in the kitchen, hair styling tools in the bathrooms, charging stations for your devices, etc. These are necessary details in our daily life that should be remembered when you’re looking for a new house. 

Under Sink Cabinets: Check under the sink cabinets of the kitchen and bathrooms to make sure there are no plumbing issues. If you are not capable of gauging that, hire a professional to help you.   

Water Spouts: To check the water spouts, step outside of the house and confirm if everything looks ok. The ​​runoff from the gutters has to be far from the house, so if it is too close, something is wrong. 

Appliances: If the house comes with some appliances, like a refrigerator, oven, or stove, make sure they are working well. Test all of them before you make an offer, and if something is not functioning, you can use this to negotiate with the owner. 

Basement: It is common in some areas for houses to have a basement, and it is crucial to have it well-insulated to not have mold and mildew problems. To know more about this, check out our post Why You Should Waterproof Your Basement. 

This list contains some of the main things you should look at when you are at an open house, but it does not stop here. There are more items you should check off as well, but these are great ones to start with.  Keep following our blog to learn more information about real estate advice and enjoy the house hunting! 


CategoriesReal Estate

How to Avoid Mistakes When Selling a Home

The real estate market can make it easy or hard to sell a house. Many factors can contribute to that, like government incentives in the industry, the number of home buyers increasing or decreasing, and inventory available on the market. Additionally, how the economy is and how the purchasing power of the population is are other huge components in this equation. However, even though the market may be on your side, some people can not sell their house.

 We’re going to find out which mistakes you’re making that are preventing you from selling your home. Don’t worry, this is more common than you think among sellers and agents. 

1. Poor images 

We’re in the digital era! So you have to put high-quality pictures of your house as a priority. If you don’t know how to take them, hire a professional photographer. It is nice to have some vídeos as well, and this way, it will be more fun for potential home buyers. For sure, this will make a huge difference in your sale. 

The pictures should be clear, not dark. They should show the best angles of the house, and remember people like to see beautiful places. This connects us to another point — stage the house! You don’t want to take pictures of a dirty kitchen, a messy playroom, or pets on the couch. It’s important to know that people are different, but everybody loves a tidy place. 

2. Withholding information 

Sellers generally just write the address, value, and say that it is open for visits, but it’s not going to sell your house. What you should do is describe all parts of the house as much as possible  — how many rooms, bathrooms, if it has a backyard, front yard, pool, how the kitchen is, etc. It’s crucial to tell potential buyers everything about the house to make them curious about the property. 

Here is some information you could write about: What makes the house unique? What was your motivation when you bought the house? What is the architectural style? Mention every detail that makes the house amazing.  

3. Hire a Broker/Agent 

We all know sometimes we want to do it all by ourselves, but in some situations, hiring a professional is the best thing we can do when selling a house. An agent has the experience and the time to sell your house properly, which will make both the seller and buyer happy. The commissions that these agents get are worth it for you to get excellent service. 

4. Restricting Access to the Property

If you want to sell the house, let people feel free to go there whenever they have time. It’s a big mistake to restrict hours, and do not forbid people from walking in some areas in the house, which can be perceived as rude or creepy. 

5. Not Advertising 

These days, everybody should know the power of advertising. If you’re putting your house out on the market, this is a step you must take if you want to succeed. Some of the options you can use for that are putting your house on various websites, such as classified ads, real estate, and social media.

6. Not Making Virtual Tours

This might not look so interesting at first, but since the COVID pandemic, virtual tours are more common than ever. People are first seeing homes online, and if they’re really interested, they will schedule a time to see the house. Making a nice video is fundamental to get more attention and offers from potential buyers. 

Knowing about all these mistakes will make it is easier to avoid them. Now you can have a successful open house! 

CategoriesReal Estate

Etiquette for Open Houses

How to behave when you’re looking for a house

Going to open houses is a part of house hunting and a very exciting one. However, something that should be a fun part of your next step in life can be transformed into a nightmare if you don’t know how to act in these places. 

Some of the common questions homebuyers ask are: Do I walk straight in? When do I ask questions? Is there a dress code? Can I bring the kids with me? We are going over these questions today, and we’re going to help you figure out how to deal with that, what you should do, and what you shouldn’t do. 

What should a homebuyer do

1. Ask questions

That’s obvious advice, we know! But very frequently, when people are visiting houses, they get so excited with the houses that they forget to ask questions. It’s kind of funny but true! Remember, the agent is there to sell the house, so ask as many questions as possible. If you leave and still have questions, feel free to send them questions by email or phone.

2. Take pictures and videos 

Even though nowadays the open listings have more images and videos, ask if you can take your own photos. It’s considered acceptable for would-be buyers to have some images from the house they are thinking about buying. 

3. Check if something is broken 

Check if everything is working in the house. Look around and see if there is anything broken, like doors, windows, open kitchen cupboards, and check the pressure in the faucets.  

4. Make yourself at home 

This is the house you’re envisioning to buy, so feeling comfortable is very important. Make yourself at home, imagine living in the place with your family, and feel free to sit down on the couch or at the counter in the kitchen. However, laying down on a bed is definitely off-limits. 

5. No dress code 

Our tip here is to dress in whatever you feel comfortable with. But remember, you’re going to see a house you want to buy, so it is nice to dress like someone who can afford a house, of course within your style.  

What you shouldn’t do

1. Careful with kids

Usually, open houses are on weekends when families are relaxed and taking kids out for activities. There isn’t a rule, but it is polite to ask the agent if you can bring your kids for the open house, but only if you can watch them! It’s very rude to let kids mess around while people are looking at the house, remember that it’s not yours yet. 

2. Criticizing the property loudly

It is very normal that the property won’t meet your expectations, but do not criticize it out loud. That is very impolite and makes everybody around feel uncomfortable. If the property is not what you want, check with the agent if they have another property, or you can use the faults to negotiate the price. 

3. Don’t bring drink or food

It’s common courtesy not to bring drinks like coffee or eat snacks inside the house that could spill and get dirty. Some open houses have coffee breaks, but limit yourself to the area where there is food and drink.

4. Snooping around  

It may seem unnecessary to say, but don’t snoop around people’s houses. You can look at the closets, and see how deep the bathroom cupboard is, but it’s unacceptable to snoop around people’s personal possessions. 


To conclude, it is smart to bring your ID in case you need to register at the door of the open house. Ask as many questions as you need, and be nice, as the agents are representing the owner of the house. Always remember, being polite is the key to success! 



CategoriesReal Estate

Tips for Renting an Apartment

Renting an apartment can be a little tricky, so paying attention to details in this process will make the difference when you close the deal. Some of the common issues that tenants have are with parking, rules, and terms in the building, or too thin walls. Checking the building, the apartment, the neighbor, and the noise in the building are some of the things you should be careful with to avoid having future problems. 

Here are some of the most important points to consider when you’re renting an apartment. 

Set your budget 

The first priority when you’re looking to rent a place is to set your budget. Looking at your financial situation is the first step to take. Our tip here is to write down your income, realize what you can afford — remember your rent should be one-third of your income or less —, and then start searching for what type of apartment you want. 

Research the building

When looking for apartments, make sure to search online about them, and see what kinds of reviews or issues they have. If there is anything wrong with the complex, you can find that information on google. If there is any problem with the electricity or water pressure, you should know before signing the lease. 

Parking space

If you are a car owner, having all the information about parking is very important. Some buildings don’t have a garage or parking space for every renter, so make sure you get all the information you need at this point to avoid unwelcome surprises when you park your car. 


Negotiating terms and prices is a smart move to make when you’re renting an apartment. Get fully informed about the place — issues, how long the place has been on the market, how the neighbors are, all this can help you get a discount on the rent. 

Check how thin the walls are

Living in an apartment, you’re going to have neighbors all around you — to the left, to the right, above and below, so if you appreciate quieter places, this tip is for you. Some modern buildings have soundproof walls, but old ones don’t. So if this is an issue for you, our tip here is to schedule an open house during the morning, when everybody is getting ready for work or school, and you will experience the normal level of noise. Another good time is on the weekends when people are usually at home. 

Now you have the knowledge you need to rent an apartment and not have any unexpected surprises! 


CategoriesReal Estate

3 Steps to Take Before Selling Your House

Nowadays, the housing market is full of unprecedented opportunities for those who want to sell or buy a house. We’ve seen a high demand of buyers and a record-low inventory, which means it is the perfect time for those who want to sell a house. Enjoying this wave is a smart decision. However, it is important to set things up before you put your house on the market, since no one wants mistakes to happen in this phase. 

1. Pricing Correctly

This step is one of the most fundamental. Even with the housing market having low inventory, this does not mean the house is going to sell at the price we want. Having the right price for the house will save time in the selling process, and for sure, you will find the perfect buyer. Another smart idea is to get more bids for the house to create a competitive environment and increase the final sale price of the house. To make sure the house is evaluated correctly, call a real estate agent to help you set the right price and achieve your financial goals. 

2. Stage the House 

Here is the step to make the house look incredible, and putting in the right decoration will help sell the house. It’s important to stage with a buyer mind and not with a seller mind, which means you should decorate the house the way the future buyers will step in and visualize themselves living in that place. 

The buyers want to see a place they can imagine, so it is important to not have personal items like pictures of the family, kid’s toys, etc. Leave the place organized and neat so that whoever enters can envision their desires there. A real estate agent can help with that as well. 

3. Let the Emotion Out 

Sometimes, it is not so easy to sell the house we’ve been living in for many years, and of course, we’re going to be emotionally attached to the place we have spent with our family or raising the kids. For some homeowners, it’s quite difficult to separate the emotional value from the market value of the house. In this case, it is necessary to hire a real estate agent to help you set the right price for the house. 

After you follow these steps, your sale is going to be successful. We are sure that you are going to have the right price for the house and achieve your goals!