CategoriesReal Estate

Tips for new homeowners


With this being the last article from this year in our blog, we want to give you a few tips for new homeowners. Before the end of the year, we think it’s very important you have some knowledge about what to do in your new place.  

1. Get to know your house before making big changes

What we mean here is you should live in the house for about 12 to 14 months before making huge renovations. This way, you will really know which part needs to change and which one you already like in the way it is. After this, feel free to make your changes, because by this time, you will have already lived some good and bad times in the house, and you will know what to do. 

2. Budget for problems

Having a house means you will spend money on maintenance. To keep the house running well, you will have to spend money on maintenance, like electrical, plumbing, furnace, pool, etc. 

3. Tackle one project at a time

Now that you know what to fix in the house, do one project at a time! If you start to do the kitchen, bathroom cabinets, and front yard, for example, you will have three areas in the house turned upside down at the same time, imagine the chaos. Our tip here is to choose what is bothering you more and, start with this part, and follow it through until you finish everything you planned. 

These are our tips for today, keep following our blog, because next year we will have more advice in real estate.



CategoriesReal Estate

What does house insurance cover?

Today, we are going to see what most insurance plans cover in house accidents. This gives the new homeowner peace of mind, that if something happens, they will be covered, like house flooding, tornado, fire, etc.  

Home insurance usually covers most (but not all) natural disasters, robberies, and accidents. “Generally, home insurance pays to repair or rebuild your property if it is damaged by fire, wind, lightning or other natural disasters,” says Josh Herz, president of Associated Insurance and Risk Management Advisors. 

They also cover personal belongings, additional living expenses, and liability for you and others that live in the house — in case someone gets hurt in an accident in the house. However, that can change depending on what type of contract you have, so it is very important to read everything, and if you have any questions about it, ask them!

What you can also do is negotiate what you want to cover, like roof damage, plumbing problems, fire, hurricane, pet damages, etc. This way you will make sure to have everything covered and know what to do to prepare yourself in case you have to deal with any problem yourself. 


 know what is not to prepare yourself in case you have to cover up by yourself. 

CategoriesReal Estate

How to check in with your clients

We know that sometimes we want to allow some space for our clients, to freely think and make their own decisions. However, following up with them is a very essential step in the selling/buying process. You should make your client feel supported, comfortable to ask you as many questions as they want, and remember, they don’t usually have the habit of calling an agent. 

Today, we are going over some tips on what to say to your clients, because this call should benefit both of you. 

  • Consider the news

Watching what is going on in the world is fundamental when talking with your clients, so you should know who is affected by what is happening in society. This will give you an advantage when having a conversation about business with your clients, if they are doing well or not because that will affect the selling/buying of the property. 

  • Take notes

When talking to your clients, take notes of what they are saying, their necessities, and this will make it easier to solve their problems or find a solution to their questions.

  • Inform and update

Your client can use you as a source for the industry. Many clients don’t have time to follow what is going on there because they are busy with their own lives. Build this bridge, send them links, ask them if they have questions and answer them, and give them a follow-up about the properties they are interested in.  

  • Ask for referrals 

After you tend to your client’s needs, ask them for some referrals. They might know someone that needs some information as well, take notes!

  • Remember details 

Remember the details of your client’s life — if they have kids, pets, if someone is sick or some vacation they talked about. All the details are important. Create a feeling of caring for your clients, which is called having a relationship with your client. You’re dealing with people, so make sure to connect with them! 


Clients today are more accepting of having an agent, and they like to use them as a resource for the industry. Make sure to always be very well informed and knowledgeable of what is currently happening. With these tips, you will create a great environment in your work life. 

CategoriesReal Estate

More tips from realtors on how to increase the value of your home

Last week, we gave you many tips on how you can increase the value of your property by making small changes in the house. Today, we are going to look at a few more tips. Some you can do by yourself, and others we advise you to call a professional. 

1. Replace window covers

Window covers are something people don’t usually pay much attention to. However, if your house has old-fashioned curtains, updating them to new ones will brighten up the whole room. If you only use blinds, you can live with them, but the curtains are the ones that can give you a fancier place. 

2. Pay attention to the outside 

Well taken care of curbs and a lawn without flaws are necessary to make your house look good on the outside. You can plant a garden with flowers. Now with the covid restrictions, people have to wait outside in line to see the house on the inside. Therefore, make this area comfortable for them by adding some chairs as well. 

The following tips are for larger budgets.

3. Create new rooms

When we live in a house, we usually want to tear the walls down and create larger rooms. On the other hand, for the real estate market, what counts is the number of rooms, bathrooms, etc. So, if you can create new rooms, do it! 

4. Build an additional dwelling unit house

If your property permits it, you can build a second unit in your backyard, or if not, you can do it in your basement.  You can use an additional dwelling unit (ADU) as a guesthouse or even to rent in the future. It is important to make sure it has its own private entrance, to make the renter and landlord comfortable. 


Our last tip is to take quality photos. Stage the house, organize everything, take pictures during the day to have great natural light, and if you cannot do it by yourself, hire a photographer!  With these tips, for sure, you will have a great increase in your house value. 

CategoriesReal Estate

Realtor’s tips to increase the value of your home

When we watch real estate tv shows, we get so excited with the before and afters. The huge renovations in a short time make us dream about changing our house. However, we know they have an enormous budget on these shows but not real people. Today, we are here to give you some tips on how to give a special touch to your house and increase the value of the property. 

1. Look around

Do your homework first, and go look in your neighbor’s houses that are on the market now. Take note of how they are, which of them got under contract faster, what they have in common, what they look like, the similarities and differences, and look at as many pictures of these houses as you can. 

2. Update the backsplash in the kitchen 

Use a different tile with a color or texture that gives a polished touch to your kitchen. Even if you don’t change anything else, you give the kitchen a new look there. 

3. Paint dark wood 

Painting the dark wood in a lighter color in the house, and the trim will give an aesthetic and modern touch to the whole space. Dark colors look outdated now. 

4. Replace the baseboard

You might think that is something no one looks at, but if you replace this, for sure, when your future buyers walk in the house, they will notice something new, without realizing exactly what it is. 

5. Invest in quality light fixtures 

Investing in light fixtures is one of the things that really makes the difference in the house, not just in the appearance but in the price as well. If you don’t have the budget to invest in the whole house, do it in the dining and living rooms, and you will definitely get a bigger offer because of that. 

If you think we are done with these tips, don’t worry! We’re not done, because next week, we are going to have more tips on how to increase the value of your home. 


CategoriesReal Estate

What Most Americans Sacrifice to Buy Their Dream Home

To buy their dream home, most people have to make a huge commitment in life, in other words, sacrifice many things to achieve this goal. Even Gen Z, the youngest adult generation, has the American dream to have their own house. However, we know how hard it is to get this. 

Recently, researchers showed that people give up vacation and social interactions to save money for their dream home. Others prefer not to have kids to achieve buying their own house. Gen Z is the surest about having a house in the future; 85% of them want to have a house to attain the American dream. 

Being a homeowner is an expensive dream, and to achieve that, the research shows us that people give up not only leisure activities or vacations, but pets and seeing family for the entire year to save up for this big dream. 

If you are in this time of your life, you are in the right place. The Hummingbird Group has beautiful single-family homes available in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. There are houses with 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, a large living room, an amazing kitchen, and garage space for 2 cars. It’s a perfect house for those who want comfort and space. 

Contact us to learn more about the properties! 

CategoriesReal Estate

5 Things You Need to Know When Buying a Home

Buying a house is one of the biggest steps in someone’s life, and knowing what to do in this process will make this decision less heavy and more rational. Due to the fact that most people put a huge portion of their wealth in their house, making a conscious decision is fundamental to choosing the perfect home. 

Today, we are going over 5 topics that are important to take into consideration when you find a home.

  • Buy for the long term 

Usually, people buy a home to live in for a long time, research has shown that people used to live in the same house at least for 10 years. Thinking about this, find a home that fits your current life and your future life. You should think about the neighborhood, the space in the house, everything that can change over this time.  

  • Buy to improve your life, not to be without money 

A house is an investment for life, but it is still the place where you will live, hang out with people, sleep, eat, etc. Having a good time is important, and you will not enjoy yourself if you go broke because of the huge investment. So take your time finding a house that fits your budget. 

  • Focus on your needs

We know when we are looking for a home we get very excited about shiny features. However, in this phase, you should focus on what your needs are and your family, if you have one. Our tip here is to make a list of your priorities, and follow them! 

  • Set a budget 

When we speak about budget, some people might think that we are too strict about it. However, now is not the time to ease up, if you have a budget you have a reason to stick to it. Also, take your time to find a house that is perfect for your needs and budget. 

  • Try to aim for 20% of the down payment 

When you have a bigger down payment, your chances of getting the house you want are higher. And the advantages are not just that — financially paying more, in the beginning, means you’ll pay less in months ahead, sometimes less than a rent, for example. In conclusion, doing that will reduce the financial risk, which means if you need to sell the house, later on, you won’t owe more than the original price. 

Having this information will make it easy to know what to do when you finally find your dream house. Keep following our blog, because next week, we are going to have more topics to add to your list. 


CategoriesReal Estate

Real Estate Vocabulary: Do you know what “under contract” and “sale pending” are?

Real Estate, like all the areas, has its own vocabulary, and if you are new to this world and all the hunting process, knowing some of the words will help you in the future. Today, we are going to talk about under contract and sale pending, what they mean, and the difference between them.  

Under contract means that the property has contingencies attached to the contract that need to be reviewed and cleared before closing the offer. These contingencies usually include financing, home appraisal, a home inspection, and sometimes the sale of the buyer’s current home.

Seller’s agents usually take backup offers due to these contingencies falling through and the buyer giving up on the house, so it’s a very common practice on the market. In case you found your dream house and really want it, make the offer and wait, it can still be yours, but remember, you have to wait for the first offer to fall through. 

Sale pending means all the contingencies are already done, in other words, the property is ready to close. So, if you find a house on sale pending, you should move past it, because this house is almost closed. 

It’s important to know that some terms can change depending on the state or region. To be sure where the house is in the sale process, consult your agent to know everything about the property. The more information you have, the better you can make a decision. 


CategoriesReal Estate

How to make a right choice and avoid home buyers remorse

Buying a home is a huge decision in people’s lives. However, even if you make all the necessary steps and get a good deal, the remorse after buying a property can happen. Today, we are going over some tips to help you really make the right decision, have all the information about the property, and be very happy with your acquisition.   

It’s important to keep in mind that some remorse is natural. You are making a big change in your life. According to some researchers, 52% of home buyers regret the purchase. So, it is not just with you, that’s a very common feeling. To help with that, you should lower your expectations and be more realistic with all the process. For sure, you will minimize this feeling and enjoy the excitement of a new home. 

In this process, have in mind what comes with homeownership. You are going to have costs after buying a house, like property taxes, routine home maintenance, periodic repairs, property insurance, and utility costs. For someone that rents, that can be overwhelming, but knowing everything before, you can be prepared. 

To help you with the inspection of the house, the best solution is to hire a professional. This way, you can make sure everything will be checked so you won’t have problems so soon in the future. Some of the things you should check are the roof, gutters, and systems, like plumbing, electrical, and heating. 

So, knowing more will make you more comfortable when you purchase your house. It will be a change in your life, and learning everything about the property will help you with the anxiety. If you want more information, go back to other articles in the blog. 


CategoriesReal Estate

3 Steps to Take Before Making an Offer

If you arrived here, you have already gone through the long process of looking for a house. Making an offer is something that a lot of homebuyers have many questions about. They wonder if they should just put the money on the table, or if it is a kind of dating—when you have to court and then make a proposal. 

Today, we are helping you with all these questions and showing you step by step how to make an offer and have a good deal for both parties, seller and buyer. When you finally find your dream home, it’s easy to feel pressured to make an offer as soon as possible. However, here are 3 steps to take before making it. 

1. Do your own research

It is important to know everything you can about the property, such as the value, 

the prices compared to others properties in the area, the more information you can get, the better. Remember to learn about how to secure yourself financially, so if you need it, consult a mortgage broker. 

2. Be honest with yourself about what you can afford

Sounds obvious, but you have to be clear on how much you can pay for the house. You have to think about what you can comfortably pay for a down payment, other closing costs, your realtor’s commission, and any repairs you might need to make in the house. 

3. Get preapproved before making an offer 

This is not necessary, but it will make the seller more confident in selling you the property, and you can use this as an advantage to negotiate the price. Knowing this, you will realize how much to borrow to pay for the house. 

These are the first steps you must follow to negotiate when you make an offer for your dream home. Keep following our blog to learn more about this!