CategoriesReal Estate

Realtor’s tips to increase the value of your home

When we watch real estate tv shows, we get so excited with the before and afters. The huge renovations in a short time make us dream about changing our house. However, we know they have an enormous budget on these shows but not real people. Today, we are here to give you some tips on how to give a special touch to your house and increase the value of the property. 

1. Look around

Do your homework first, and go look in your neighbor’s houses that are on the market now. Take note of how they are, which of them got under contract faster, what they have in common, what they look like, the similarities and differences, and look at as many pictures of these houses as you can. 

2. Update the backsplash in the kitchen 

Use a different tile with a color or texture that gives a polished touch to your kitchen. Even if you don’t change anything else, you give the kitchen a new look there. 

3. Paint dark wood 

Painting the dark wood in a lighter color in the house, and the trim will give an aesthetic and modern touch to the whole space. Dark colors look outdated now. 

4. Replace the baseboard

You might think that is something no one looks at, but if you replace this, for sure, when your future buyers walk in the house, they will notice something new, without realizing exactly what it is. 

5. Invest in quality light fixtures 

Investing in light fixtures is one of the things that really makes the difference in the house, not just in the appearance but in the price as well. If you don’t have the budget to invest in the whole house, do it in the dining and living rooms, and you will definitely get a bigger offer because of that. 

If you think we are done with these tips, don’t worry! We’re not done, because next week, we are going to have more tips on how to increase the value of your home.