CategoriesReal Estate

More tips from realtors on how to increase the value of your home

Last week, we gave you many tips on how you can increase the value of your property by making small changes in the house. Today, we are going to look at a few more tips. Some you can do by yourself, and others we advise you to call a professional. 

1. Replace window covers

Window covers are something people don’t usually pay much attention to. However, if your house has old-fashioned curtains, updating them to new ones will brighten up the whole room. If you only use blinds, you can live with them, but the curtains are the ones that can give you a fancier place. 

2. Pay attention to the outside 

Well taken care of curbs and a lawn without flaws are necessary to make your house look good on the outside. You can plant a garden with flowers. Now with the covid restrictions, people have to wait outside in line to see the house on the inside. Therefore, make this area comfortable for them by adding some chairs as well. 

The following tips are for larger budgets.

3. Create new rooms

When we live in a house, we usually want to tear the walls down and create larger rooms. On the other hand, for the real estate market, what counts is the number of rooms, bathrooms, etc. So, if you can create new rooms, do it! 

4. Build an additional dwelling unit house

If your property permits it, you can build a second unit in your backyard, or if not, you can do it in your basement.  You can use an additional dwelling unit (ADU) as a guesthouse or even to rent in the future. It is important to make sure it has its own private entrance, to make the renter and landlord comfortable. 


Our last tip is to take quality photos. Stage the house, organize everything, take pictures during the day to have great natural light, and if you cannot do it by yourself, hire a photographer!  With these tips, for sure, you will have a great increase in your house value.