CategoriesReal Estate

How to check in with your clients

We know that sometimes we want to allow some space for our clients, to freely think and make their own decisions. However, following up with them is a very essential step in the selling/buying process. You should make your client feel supported, comfortable to ask you as many questions as they want, and remember, they don’t usually have the habit of calling an agent. 

Today, we are going over some tips on what to say to your clients, because this call should benefit both of you. 

  • Consider the news

Watching what is going on in the world is fundamental when talking with your clients, so you should know who is affected by what is happening in society. This will give you an advantage when having a conversation about business with your clients, if they are doing well or not because that will affect the selling/buying of the property. 

  • Take notes

When talking to your clients, take notes of what they are saying, their necessities, and this will make it easier to solve their problems or find a solution to their questions.

  • Inform and update

Your client can use you as a source for the industry. Many clients don’t have time to follow what is going on there because they are busy with their own lives. Build this bridge, send them links, ask them if they have questions and answer them, and give them a follow-up about the properties they are interested in.  

  • Ask for referrals 

After you tend to your client’s needs, ask them for some referrals. They might know someone that needs some information as well, take notes!

  • Remember details 

Remember the details of your client’s life — if they have kids, pets, if someone is sick or some vacation they talked about. All the details are important. Create a feeling of caring for your clients, which is called having a relationship with your client. You’re dealing with people, so make sure to connect with them! 


Clients today are more accepting of having an agent, and they like to use them as a resource for the industry. Make sure to always be very well informed and knowledgeable of what is currently happening. With these tips, you will create a great environment in your work life.