
Plants to Decorate Your Rental Home

Living in a rental home has some limitations of what you can do to make the house look like you want. You can always consider making small changes that don’t require a significant financial investment, and you’ll feel at home after. Having this feeling and being comfortable is really important when moving to a new place, after all, the lease’s contract generally lasts only one year.  

To add more life to your home, there’s nothing better than using plants to decorate. However, the truth is — most people are not experts when it comes to plants — people just go to the closest plant store and choose what they think is beautiful, or even receive some as a gift, falling into plant parenthood without knowledge. 

Let’s start with the steps you should take before buying plants. First of all, evaluate the spaces you have in your home to place the plants. Remember that you have to think about how much natural light your home receives during the day, because some plant species need more light than others. For example, if you want to place a plant on a windowsill, consider choosing ones that thrive in dry and sunny conditions like the popular succulents. 

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1. Snake Plant 

This plant has this cool name because of its shape looks like a snake. The good news here is that it’s a low-maintenance plant and can live in any environment. However, it isn’t pet-friendly! 

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2. Aloe Vera Plant

This plant is not easy to take care of, but it has many good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so you can use it to brighten up your home and for medical purposes, like healing a small cut, just make sure to use it in the correct way. This is also not pet-friendly. 

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3. Rubber Tree

If you’re a new “plant parent” or someone who forgets to take care of their plants, this one is perfect for you. It doesn’t need too much water, and it likes bright places. This one is pet-friendly! 

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4. Bird’s Nest Fern 

This beautiful plant likes humid environments and moderately bright places. For sure, this plant is going to give a special touch to your home, and for those who have pets, yes, it’s safe for them. 

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Now it’s up to you! Which plant are you going to choose for your rental house? Tell us in the comments!

CategoriesDecor, Lifestyle

Why You Should Set Up A Home Office

Nowadays, working from home has been more common than ever, the pandemic of Covid-19 accelerated what could have taken some years to happen. Many companies have been adapting to the new way to work, the employees as well. However, like everything in life, working from home has its pros and cons, and a lot of people have said that they have been living in their work anyway and didn’t have another option for that. So, to make this less damaging to family life, we’ll show you some reasons why separating a space in your house to make your home office is a good idea.

Increase value to your house 

Setting up a home office can increase the value of your property. Due to the number of people working from home currently, this type of house has been a trend on the market, thus, many people are looking for a place that already has a home office. However, it is important to not set up your office in a sunroom or a special space in the house because that can devalue it.

Creating a work atmosphere 

Having a separate room to work, even though you are at home, will give you the sensation of going to work. This is helpful for your mind and ability to concentrate, you’ll know how to organize yourself to start and finish the work. The best part is when you close the door, you leave your office, so it’s time to relax!

Boundaries with your family 

One of the major issues that people have when working from home is that the family can’t understand really well when you are working or not. Having a specific place to work at home will help your family to understand that you are at home, but you’re working and need to focus. So, if you’re inside of your home office, that means you’re busy.

After all, these advantages will make you prioritize setting up a proper home office. When you see the positives far outweighing the negatives, you will be very grateful to have your own place to work.

CategoriesDecor, Real Estate

How To Personalize Your Rental House

One of the major challenges that people have when they rent a house is how to make it look like their home without making many investments in the property. After all, it is a rented place, and moving out is always an option. So, here are some ideas of what to do in your home.

First of all, let’s talk about investments in decoration. A smart decision would be to buy beautiful, durable furniture like dining chairs, rugs, cushions, armchairs, center tables, or even big ones like a couch, a bed, and for sure, soft sheets. That is always a great idea, because you can choose based on your own taste and take it with you in case you decide to move out.

Little renovations are also reasonable. A valuable tip is to paint the walls and invest in lamps. These additions, which bring color and a sensation of warmth to your new home, are not an expensive investment to make in a rental house.

Without any doubt, your house is going to feel very comfortable after that. To finalize, plants and flowers are going to bring nature and life to the environment.