CategoriesReal Estate

Etiquette for Open Houses

How to behave when you’re looking for a house

Going to open houses is a part of house hunting and a very exciting one. However, something that should be a fun part of your next step in life can be transformed into a nightmare if you don’t know how to act in these places. 

Some of the common questions homebuyers ask are: Do I walk straight in? When do I ask questions? Is there a dress code? Can I bring the kids with me? We are going over these questions today, and we’re going to help you figure out how to deal with that, what you should do, and what you shouldn’t do. 

What should a homebuyer do

1. Ask questions

That’s obvious advice, we know! But very frequently, when people are visiting houses, they get so excited with the houses that they forget to ask questions. It’s kind of funny but true! Remember, the agent is there to sell the house, so ask as many questions as possible. If you leave and still have questions, feel free to send them questions by email or phone.

2. Take pictures and videos 

Even though nowadays the open listings have more images and videos, ask if you can take your own photos. It’s considered acceptable for would-be buyers to have some images from the house they are thinking about buying. 

3. Check if something is broken 

Check if everything is working in the house. Look around and see if there is anything broken, like doors, windows, open kitchen cupboards, and check the pressure in the faucets.  

4. Make yourself at home 

This is the house you’re envisioning to buy, so feeling comfortable is very important. Make yourself at home, imagine living in the place with your family, and feel free to sit down on the couch or at the counter in the kitchen. However, laying down on a bed is definitely off-limits. 

5. No dress code 

Our tip here is to dress in whatever you feel comfortable with. But remember, you’re going to see a house you want to buy, so it is nice to dress like someone who can afford a house, of course within your style.  

What you shouldn’t do

1. Careful with kids

Usually, open houses are on weekends when families are relaxed and taking kids out for activities. There isn’t a rule, but it is polite to ask the agent if you can bring your kids for the open house, but only if you can watch them! It’s very rude to let kids mess around while people are looking at the house, remember that it’s not yours yet. 

2. Criticizing the property loudly

It is very normal that the property won’t meet your expectations, but do not criticize it out loud. That is very impolite and makes everybody around feel uncomfortable. If the property is not what you want, check with the agent if they have another property, or you can use the faults to negotiate the price. 

3. Don’t bring drink or food

It’s common courtesy not to bring drinks like coffee or eat snacks inside the house that could spill and get dirty. Some open houses have coffee breaks, but limit yourself to the area where there is food and drink.

4. Snooping around  

It may seem unnecessary to say, but don’t snoop around people’s houses. You can look at the closets, and see how deep the bathroom cupboard is, but it’s unacceptable to snoop around people’s personal possessions. 


To conclude, it is smart to bring your ID in case you need to register at the door of the open house. Ask as many questions as you need, and be nice, as the agents are representing the owner of the house. Always remember, being polite is the key to success!